Profile プロフィール 个人简介
Career 職歴 工作经历
- 1980-1989
- 国内大手メーカーにて電子材料、機能性樹脂の研究開発・実用化に携わる
Engaged in R&D and commercialization of functional resins and electronic material at leading manufacturer in Japan.
从事于国内大型生产企业的电子材料、机能树脂的研究开发・使用化 - 1989-2005
- SONYにて、プリント配線板、電子材料、半導体事業に携わる
Engaged in printed circuit boards(PCB), electronic materials and the semiconductor business at SONY.
在SONY、从事于印刷电路板、电子材料、半导体事业 - 2005-2010
- 韓国のサムスン電機(SAMSUNG)にて、プリント配線板の研究、開発、製造技術の改善に携わる
Engaged in R&D and production technology improvement of printed circuit board business at Samsung Electro-Mechanics.
在韩国三星电机、从事于印刷电路配线板的研究 开发、制造技术的改善
Mr. Komatsu graduated from Science and Engineering Department of Waseda University, majored in Chemistry, in 1980. After graduate, he was involved in the production, including product development, and C/S of electronic material business for 10 years. During that period, Mr. Komatsu’s ISHM87 thesis was awarded. The product his team had produced is still sold by today. After that, Mr. Komatsu was engaged in printed circuit board business for 17 years in SONY, and applied 55 patents as 1st inventor. Needless to say, Mr. Komatsu is very experienced in international engineering business, and has broad network with top engineers worldwide, especially in South Korea, China, Taiwan, and Japan.
1980年毕业于早稻田大学理工学部化学科。之后从事于电子材料的开发、制造C/S工作10年、论文ISHM87获奖。当时的开发产品、现今仍继续被销售。并且从事于印刷电路板事业17年、申请中专利55件 (1st发明人)。不仅在日本、在韩国及台湾等海外的工作经验时间也长、持有广泛的专家网络。
Specialty 専門分野 专门领域
●電子材料分野(Electronic materials/电子材料领域)
●プリント配線板分野(Printed circuit board/印刷电路板领域)
Message メッセージ 信息
To succeed in engineering business, you must watch market conditions carefully and select the best method. My motto is “Do every single routine work with the best effort”. The fastest way to success is to improve the quality of routine work until you achieve the goal. We’ll support your business with special knowledge and rich experiences in marketing and engineering.
上席コンサルタント 白井正治(しらいまさはる) Shirai, Masaharu(Senior Consultant)
Profile プロフィール 个人简介
Career 職歴 工作经历
- 1970-1977
- 東洋紡績プラスチック研究所にて熱可塑性エラストマー、PETの成形グレードの開発に携わる。
Involved in the development of thermoplastic elastomers and PET molding grade at Toyobo Plastics laboratory.
在东洋纺绩塑料研究所从事于热塑性elastomer,PET的形成等级的开发。 - 1977-1980
- サンスター化学にてエポキシ接着剤およびエポキシ系耐食塗料の開発に携わる。
Engaged in the development of epoxy adhesive and epoxy anticorrosion paint at Sunstar Chemicals.
在SunStar化学 从事于Epoxidized粘合剂及Epoxidized系耐蚀涂料的开发。 - 1980-2003
- 日本IBMではFR-4多層基板の生産技術に6年間 携わり、野洲研究所で17年の歳月をかけて業界初ビルドアップ配線板SLCの開発を行う。
Involved in production technology of multilayer FR4 wiring board for 6 years, and then engaged in development of SLC (surface laminar circuit) for 17 years at IBM Japan. Development of SLC was the industry’s first achievement.
buildup接线板SLC的开发。 - 2003-2008
- 京セラSLCにて超低熱膨張有機パッケージ基板の開発に携わる。
Engaged in the development of organic package substrate with ultra-lower coefficients of thermal expansion at Kyocera SLC.
2003-2008 在Kyocera SLC 从事于超低热膨胀有机Package基板的开发
After graduated from Osaka University, Master Degree of Science, in 1972, Mr. Shirai has developed his engineering career in Japan, the United States, and Korea.
Specialty 専門分野 专门领域
電子回路基板 (Electronic circuit board/电子电路基板)
・MLB(FR-4多層配線板/多层接线板) Multilayer FR4 wiring board
・HDI(buildup基板) Subcomposite
・Semiconductor Substrate(Flip chip BGA, FCBGA, Package基板)
Message メッセージ 信息
We are trying to correspond to the market in real time, with careful eyes on the market trends. The core of successful business is reduction of defectives. My motto is to check the defectives and the site with my own eyes as much as possible, because conditions of raw materials and manufacturing site are the most key factor of quality level. Also, defective reduction contributes to the global reduction of waste and CO2.
上級コンサルタント 西本 和人(にしもと かずと) Nishimoto, Kazuto(Senior Consultant)
Profile プロフィール 个人简介
Career 職歴 工作经历
ソニー㈱関連事業所にて17年間、部品実装と半導体実装に従事。 製品の軽薄短小化に貢献した。
Mr. Nishimoto had been engaged in semiconductor packaging and component mounting in Sony-related sites for 17 years, and he contributed to the yield improvement and miniaturization of the product. In the field of the component mounting technology, Mr. Nishimoto is the professional of implementation design of rigid PCB and of the flexible substrate. Especially, Mr. Nishimoto has proven experience in flexible PCB, and he has participated in many international projects such as in Japan, China, and Vietnam. For example, he had participated in the development of PCB in a central role, and developed high density boards and functionality board as well. His worldwide network of engineers would be also helpful to find out the best solution in different contexts.
在SONY(株)相关事业所工作17年,从事于零部件实装和半导体实装工作。为产品的轻薄短小化做了贡献。 是零部件实装技术、硬板及软板的实装设计,收获率改善方面的专家。特别是在软板实装方面与海外对应方面有丰富的经验和业绩。在参加印刷电路板的开发中也起到中心作用,开发了高密度基板,功能性基板。
Specialty 専門分野 专门领域
●部品実装技術 (Component Mounting)
●半導体実装技術(Micro bump, フリップチップ実装技術)
Message メッセージ 信息
“Well-done” is norm for the component mounting business customers. However, it is getting more and more difficult technically. We will respond to your request with flexible idea and light footwork. Let us support you to realize a high technical level.
アドバイザー Our Advisor
中村 義一 氏
国際マイクロエレクトロニクス実装学会 フェロー
(社)エレクトロニクス実装学会 名誉顧問
Nakamura, Yoshikazu
-Professor emeritus, National Defense Academy of Japan
-IMAPS Fellow
-JIEP Senior Advisor
中原 捷雄 氏
N.T.Information Ltd 創業者、経営者
CPCAおよびKPCA 特別j顧問
Nakahara Hayao
Doctor of Electrical Engineering
-Founder of N.T. Information Ltd
-Author 「NTI-100 World Top PCB Makers」
-Special adviser to CPCA and KPCA
小泉 孝昭 氏
元ソニー株式会社 エレクトロケミカル事業部長
Koizumi, Takaaki
-Director of Yokohama Consortium for Advanced Packaging Technology
-Ex-General Manager of SONY Corporation’s Electro Chemical Division
-Ex-Director of JPCA
高橋 幹 氏
元クローバー電子工業株式会社 代表取締役専務
Takahashi, Tuyoshi
-Ex-Vice President of Clover Electronics Co., Ltd